
Oct 3, 2024The time for new nonogram is now. Check it out: Kangaroo (50 x 25, Medium), 23 parts.
Sep 30, 2024Are you looking for a good brain teaser? Try this nonogram: Zombie (50 x 30, Medium), 8 parts.
Sep 26, 2024Day without a logic puzzle? Maybe someday, but not today: Police officer (40 x 30, Hard), 28 parts.
Sep 23, 2024Do you like solving small parts? So Toucan (30 x 30, Medium) is just for you.
Sep 19, 2024Today we came with this nonogram: Artemis (40 x 30, Medium), 54 parts.
Sep 16, 2024Added new nonogram: Skinhead (45 x 30, Medium), 8 parts, 2 colors.
Sep 12, 2024The time for new nonogram is now. Check it out: What do robots dream of? (50 x 25, Medium), 32 parts.
Sep 9, 2024Are you looking for a good brain teaser? Try this nonogram: Don't disturb me, i'm busy (50 x 30, Medium), 12 parts.

Nonogram of the week

Zombie (8 parts, 2 colors) Medium
Bonus Points +10% until the end of this week
1 Hint

Players of the week

Top scorers
Rank Name Score Count
1. jiří 2,110,80367
2. lucie 1,329,94663
3. Liga78 1,284,54091
Top explorers
Rank Name Count Score
1. Boryš 93847,286
2. Liga78 911,284,540
3. Felice 73579,272

Nonograms - logic puzzles

This site is dedicated to logic puzzles Nonograms (also known as Paint by Numbers or Griddlers).
You can solve here nonograms and multi nonograms .

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How to solve nonograms - rules and basic solving techniques
There are 1,572 pictures available consisting of 34,905 parts. Every nonogram has unique solution and is solvable by pure logic, no guessing needed.
Sample Nonograms - At the Seaside, Man with the Giant Pipe.