
Controls (left menubar)

???samplesTooltip???Save game on server. Only one slot is available. Only for registered players.
???samplesTooltip???Load saved game from server. Only for registered players.
???samplesTooltip???Click to quicksave game on local storage.
Ctrl + click to display save dialog.
The maximum amount of saved games is limited only by your browser's capabilities. Only for registered players.
Beware: Deleting local storage (web storage) will cause loss of all saved games!
???samplesTooltip???Click to load "quicksave" game.
Ctrl + click to display load dialog.
Only for registered players.
???samplesTooltip???Click to undo last step. Hotkey: Z.
???samplesTooltip???Click to redo last step. Hotkey: Y.
???samplesTooltip???Click to toggle fullscreen mode on/off.
???samplesTooltip???Click to zoom in.
???samplesTooltip???Click to zoom out.
???samplesTooltip???Clear the game and start over.
???samplesTooltip???If you are stucked, click here and than select any cell in the grid to get the hint. Of course, you must have at least one hint available (check My Account page). Only for registered players.
???samplesTooltip???Click to display color settings dialog.
???samplesTooltip???Fill background color in all solved rows/columns (marked by green indicator). Hotkey: A.
???samplesTooltip???Click to pause/play game. Hotkey: Space.


Green column/row indicator means, that the column/row solution matches the legend. Green indicator example
Beware: Green indicator does not mean your solution is correct! Invalid green indicator example
Red column/row indicator means, that the column/row solution does not match the legend and is incorrect. Red indicator example
Click to green indicator to fill all unsolved cells with background color. Click to green indicator